Список учреждений

Olympics among college students

27 november 2017

A sports contest was held among the students of the city's colleges within the framework of the city program "Sport Almaty”, which took place in the secondary school № 58.

Bythe result of the team test, the college of the University "Turan" took the 3rdplace.

MuratovaShynar, a 2-year student of the specialty "Translation", took the 1stplace in the Olympics on Togyzkumalak.

We congratulate our TURAN players and wish them further victories!

Муратова Шынар, студентка 2 курса по специальности «Переводческое дело», заняла 1 место в спартакиаде по тоғыз құмалақ.

Поздавляем наших турановцев и желаем дальнейших побед!